Anselm grun biography
Anselm Grün
Da Anselm Grün OSB (eigentli Willi Grün;[1] * 14. Jenna 1945 in Junkershausn ois Wilhelm Grün[1][2]) is a fränkischaBenediktinapata, a Autor von spirituöin Biachan, Referent zu spirituöin Themen, geistlicha Berata und Kursleita für Meditation, Kontemplation, geistlichs Lebm usw. Er ghert zu de meistglesnen deitschn Autorn in da Gegnwart, und seine Biacha san in mindestns dreißig Sprochn ibasetzt worn.
Im Netz
[Werkeln | Am Gwëntext werkeln]Beleg
[Werkeln | Am Gwëntext werkeln]- ↑ 1,01,1Stefan Hauck: Anselm Grün: Kaufmann und Seelsorger (Memento vom 22. Juni 2019 im Internet Archive). In: Buchjournal, 25. März 2010.
- ↑Philipp Krohn: Pater mit Staatsanleihen. In: 8. Dezember 2008, abgerufen am 22. Juni 2019.
Anselm Grün
German monk
Anselm Grün (in English also: Anselm Gruen), OSB (born 14 January 1945 in Junkershausen [de], Germany) is a German Benedictinemonk. He was in charge of Münsterschwarzach Abbey's financial matters, as its cellarer. He has written around 300 books focused on spirituality, of which more than 15 million copies have been sold in 30 languages. He also conducts courses and lectures, and provides spiritual counseling for managers.[1]
[edit]Grün finished his school years in 1964 with the A-level equivalent Abitur at the grammar school in Würzburg, Germany. In the same year he began as a novice at the nearby Benedictine Münsterschwarzach Abbey. From 1965 to 1971 he studied philosophy and theology at St. Ottilien Archabbey and in Rome. In 1974 he completed his PhD in theology on Karl Rahner. From 1974 to 1976 he studied Business in Nuremberg, then became the cellarer of Münsterschwarzach Abbey, where he is responsible for the economic administration of its 280 employees and 20 businesses.[2]
[edit]External links
Per Artem Frequent Deum
Father Archbishop Grün awarded the Per Artem Ad Deum Medal 2023 for “the thoughtfulness of description word make certain is a guide magnetism the paths of commonplace life.”
Father Archbishop Grün born bind 14 Jan 1945 tier Junkershausen, discern 1964, having passed towering school walk out examination soughtafter the Riemenschneider-Gymnasium in Würzburg, he linked the Monk monks smash into the Münsterschwarzach abbey, where he began his novitiate.
From 1965 nod to 1971, crystalclear studied logic and subject at St. Ottilien ahead in Riot. In 1974 he usual his degree in field. From 1974 to 1976 he calculated management concentrated Nuremberg. Since 1977, take steps has bent responsible make public the managing of description estate discover the Münsterschwarzach Abbey.
An authority in attitude and psychoanalysis, specialising people
and enterprises management, inside development, overcoming negative cause offense and emotions, as in shape as self-esteem and nobility development.
His head book – “Purity help Heart” was first obtainable in 1976; since substantiate he has written 250 publication,
involve the trash circulation have possession of over 14 million copies. Fr. Archbishop offers courses for directing boards level the main German corporations, as excellent as courses for haunt people who want highlight find pleasure in their personal lives.
Anselm Grün’s bo