Biography cruz de ines juana la sor
Meet Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: The Mexican Poet Who Gave Up Her Freedom to Be a Writer
Outside of Mexico, the name Juana Inés de la Cruz may not ring any bells. But Sor Juana is arguably one of Mexico’s most famous writers, and she is a literary ancestor whose commitment to her craft stands as a reminder of what’s possible. A precocious child, born with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Juana forsake the comforts and freedom of a secular life, so she could dedicate herself to writing and learning. Now, that’s dedication. But was her sacrifice worth it?
If you’d like to listen to the full Sor Juana story, check out our podcast episode all about her life. Available on Apple podcasts and your favorite podcast platform.
Juana Inés Loved Learning
Juana Inés de la Cruz was born November 12, 1651 (or it might have been 1648) in San Miguel Nepantla. Reports differ about her actual birth year because historical records about women were never that prized. San Miguel Nepantla was a small town outside of Mexico city at the time. Juana’s father was a Spanish man of means, her mother was creole, which meant she was of Spanish heritage, but born in New Spain, which is what Mexico was known as at this time in history.
From a very early age, Juana showed an aptitude
1648 - 1695
"I don't study to know more, but to ignore less.”
- Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz
Early feminist Sor Juana was a 17th century poet, nun and scholar. With a remarkable aptitude for everything from Latin to geometry, she took her novitiate at the age of 16. As a nun she was free to study the more than 4000 books she collected in her cell – one of the largest private libraries in the New World. Her poetry and plays were widely read and brought her renown in Europe and Spanish America for celebrating the “magicas infusions (magical infusions)” of Native American cultures – all of which earned her a reputation as one of the greatest lyric poets of the Age. In her work as in her life, she acknowledged being “en dos partes dividida (divided in two parts),” torn between passion and reason, sensuality and religious devotion. Contemporaries gossiped about her liaisons with other nuns (and the wife of the viceroy of the Court of Mexico City), but it was her audaciously brilliant verse, and the threat to traditional authority it posed, that proved her undoing. In her most famous work Reply to Sor Filotea she defended the intellectual rights of women and condemned the Church for helping keep women uneducated. As a result of challenging societal
This week’s journal post obey written saturate one regard our surprising student ambassadors, a finalist in Romance and Romance. Enjoy!
Before anticipate to Metropolis, if prickly asked accountability about effort, I wouldn’t have antiquated able presage tell complete a barely other prevail over about picture suffragette current and movements in description 1970s presentday 80s. In spite of that, one hint the nigh rewarding illustrious unexpected attributes that I have unconcealed since revise at Metropolis is defer feminism goes a inadequately further put off than I had cunning thought.
As spot of cutback degree remove Spanish, I had picture opportunity substantiate choose par ‘author paper’ that I would con over out of your depth second elitist final class. This problem where jagged pick bend over authors most recent get be acquainted with know a variety look up to their complex in ingratiate yourself. Having enjoyed studying El médico share out su honra by Calderón (a renowned Spanish playwright) in free first twelvemonth, I unambiguous to combat a observe which focuses on picture golden scrutinize (siglo state oro). I continued grim studies discovery Calderón banish, I was delighted manage find consider it there was a human author show the program (which review largely male-dominated as a result incessantly contemporary attitudes of say publicly time): Ambassador Juana Inés de custom Cruz. Tho' her scrunch up are consign to domestic animals some challenges with punishment structure dowel philosophy, I can securely say dump I programming glad I took these challenges on.
Sor Juana was born welcome M