Biography harun aminurrashida
Harun Aminurrashid
Harun Aminurrashid atau nama sebenar Harun bin Mohd Amin (8 Ogos 1907 – 9 November 1986) ialah seorang penulis iranian Singapura. Beliau juga menggunakan nama pena yang put on the right track seperti Har, Gustam Negara, Atma Jiwa dan Si Ketuit.
Harun Aminurrashid | |
Kelahiran | Harun bin Mohd Amin (1907-08-08)8 Ogos 1907 Kampung Telok Kurau, Singapura |
Meninggal dunia | 9 Nov 1986(1986-11-09) (umur 79) |
Pekerjaan | Penulis |
Tahun aktif | 1939 – 1986 |
[sunting | sunting sumber]Sejak kecil lagi Harun amat gemar membaca dan ini akhirnya mendorong beliau untuk mengarang. Mendapat pendidikan awal di Sekolah Melayu Telok Kurau dan kemudiannya di Maktab Perguruan Ruler Idris, Tanjung Malim, Perak. Beliau kemudian menjadi guru di maktab tersebut setelah menamatkan pelajaran di sana'a. Novel pertama beliau, “Melur Kuala Lumpur” telah diterbitkan di Tanjung Malim pada April 1930.
Di Maktab Pengajian Swayer Idris, Harun mengasah bakat penulisan beliau dengan menyumbangkan karya-karya kepada majalah dan akhbar. Sebagai guru, beliau berusaha untuk menanamkan semangat kebangsaan kepada setiap penuntut. Kerana kegiatan ini, beliau telah dihantar ke Sultanate pada tahun 1939 dan menetap di sana hingga tahun 1946.
Selepas Perang Dunia Kedua, Har
Director's Column
Do you know that maps on Singapore were already in existence as far back as the 16th century? The National Library, Singapore recently acquired one of these map. This an early 17th century map, published in 1607, which shows a close-up view of Singapore and its surrounding region. An uncoloured map measuring 324 x 255mm in size, it shows the southern coast of ‘Sine Pora” (i.e. Singapore), “Straet van Sinai Pore (Straits of Singapore) and Valsch Sine Pora (False Straits of Singapore).
A slice of Singapore’s history can be gleaned from these maps and the poster collection at the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library. The poster colection started from 1969 and now comprises over 4,000 posters in the four official languages covering a wide range of topics related to Singapore such language, etiquette, health, environment, reading and literacy, and the performing arts. The collection is a closed access collection and is available for consultation upon request at the Information Counter located at Level 11 of the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library. Do contact our reference librarians at if you are keen to find out more. We welcome donations and gifts of Singapore posters of all kinds.
In this issue, we profile another of Singapore’s lite
BiblioAsia Jul 2007
Director’s Column
Harun Aminurrashid
Born Harun Bin Mohd Amin, Harun’s other pen names include Har, Gustam Negara, Atma Jiwa and Si Ketuit. He was a prolific writer and editor of several newspapers and magazines.
Tapping History
I’ve been through Taban Valley at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve many times and never realised until recently how historically important these unprepossessing trees are. To the uninitiated, they look like skinny durian trees with their dark green leaves. A century and a half ago, the Taban Merah (Pafaquium gutta), better known to the world as Gutta Percha, was at the centre of an earth-shaking infocomm revolution as great as the introduction of the Internet. (PDF)
The Access to Learning Award: Improving Lives Through Greater Access to Information Through Technology
Whether you are young or old, a student or a teacher, a farmer or a small business owner, access to online information is becoming increasingly important throughout the world. (PDF)
族群、文化认同从: 华文报纸历史看其与新马华人的关系
This looks at Chinese-language newspapers and their relationship with the ethnic Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia. (PDF)
Creating the Right Environment: Poster Collection at the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library
Comprising more than 4,000 posters from