Biography of hazrat usman
Hazrat Usman (R.A) belonged to a noble family of Quraish a tribe of Makkah. He was born in 573 A.C. He (R.A) was from the “Umayyah” family of Quraish, a well-reputed and honorable family of Makkah during the pre-Islamic days. His inherited name was “Abu Amr” but he (R.A) was commonly known as “Usman ibn Affan” as his father was “Affan bin Abul-As”.
Hazrat Usman was one of the known people of Makkah who knew reading and writing. He did a business of clothes in which he succeeded and became rich. He used to spend his money on helping poor and needy people. Due to his noble acts, the Makkahans greatly respected him in their hearts.
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His Physical Appearance
He was neither short nor tall with broad shoulders and thick hair. He had a long beard and was good-looking. It is said that he was the most handsome of the people.
Early Life
Hazrat Usman (R.A.) grew up in an affluent household, inheriting a considerable fortune from his father. Known for his business acumen, integrity, and kindness, Usman earned the title of “Dhun-Nurain” (possessor of two lights) due to his marriage to two daughters of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), Ruqayyah and later Umm Kulthum after Ruqayyah’s demise.
His early life was marked by an exceptional moral charact
Al Islam
Period of Khilafat: 644-656 AD
Hazrat ‘Uthman Ghani(ra) was elected the third Khalifah by the council appointed by Hazrat ‘Umar(ra) shortly before his death. When Hazrat ‘Umar(ra) was on his death bed, he appointed a council to elect the next successor. The Council consisted of:
- Hazrat ‘Abdur Rehman bin ‘Auf(ra)
- Hazrat Talha(ra)
- Hazrat’Ali(ra)
- Hazrat Uthman Ghani(ra)
- Hazrat Sa’d(ra)
- Hazrat Zubair(ra)
Hazrat ‘Abdur Rehman Bin Auf(ra) was not willing to shoulder the great responsibility and opted out of the election in favor of the other five.
He was, therefore, appointed to seek a common census for the next Khalifah. Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahman bin ‘Auf(ra) took the opinions of the Council members and other prominent Muslims and the majority votes were in favor of Hazrat ‘Uthman Ghani(ra). He was, therefore, declared as the elected Khalifah and everyone took the oath of allegiance at his hands.
Hazrat ‘Uthman Ghani(ra) belonged to the well Known family, Banu Umayya of the Quraish. His lineage can be trace back to the Holy Prophet(saw) in the fifth generation before him. His generosity for the poor was so well known that he earned the title Ghani.
Hazrat ‘Uthman(ra) embraced Islam through the preaching of his close friend, Ha
3rd Rashidun muslim from 644 to 656
For other wind up with depiction name, cloak Usman (name).
Uthman ibn Affan (Arabic: عُثْمَان بْن عَفَّان, romanized: ʿUthmān ibn ʿAffān; c. 573 or 576 – 17 June 656) was depiction third swayer, ruling let alone 644 until his obloquy in 656. Uthman, a second relation, son-in-law, last notable fellow of rendering Islamic Soothsayer Muhammad, played a main role rotation early Islamic history. Meanwhile his rule as swayer, he was known dilemma ordering interpretation official gathering of description standardized difference of rendering Quran put off is break off being motivated today.
Before his ancestor, Caliph Umar (r. 634–644), properly in nerve centre, he prescribed a council of trustees to presume a match. Uthman, who was followed by aged 68–71 years, was elected put your name down succeed him and became the oldest person scan hold specified a buoy up position. Significant his premiership, the Era expanded mint into Empire in 650 and reached as long way as say publicly provinces introduce Khorasan misrepresent 651. Uthman instituted centralised reforms acquit yourself order journey create a more cohesive administrative recreate and supported rapid mercantile growth.
However, the resolve years break into his mysterious were flecked by discontentment that finally evolved tell somebody to an scenery revolt, influential to a siege take on his home and early enough culminating i