Biography of sanjay gandhi hospital bangalore tender

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  • Sanjay gandhi memorial hospital bed capacity
  • Sanjay gandhi memorial hospital
  • Amendment Tender for Package II Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Furniture work for OPD Block, Guest House and Dharamshala and other associated works and their maintenance during defect liability period for AIIMS at Guntur Andhra Pradesh


    upto hrs IST at hrs ISTAmendment Tender for Package-I Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Furniture work for OPD Block and Guest House and other associated works and their maintenance during defect liability period for AIIMS at Nagpur Maharashtra.


    upto hrs IST at hrs ISTAmendment Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Laundry Equipment for PGI Satellite Centre, Sangrur, Punjab.


    upto IST upto ISTAmendment Tender for supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Mortuary for PGI Satellite Centre, Sangrur, Punjab.


    upto IST upto ISTAmendmnet Tender for External Electrical Works for AllIndia Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) at Nagpur (Maharashtra)and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period


    Upto IST at ISTAmendment Tender for Supply, Installation, T
  • biography of sanjay gandhi hospital bangalore tender
  • Amendment04 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CSSD for Hospital Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences AIIMS, Raebareli.

    HSCC/SES/CSSD/AIIMS/ Raebareli/

    Upto hrs IST at hrs ISTAmendment04 Tender for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Mortuary for Hospital Block at All India Institute of Medical Sciences AIIMS, Raebareli.

    HSCC/SES/Mortuary/AIIMS/ Raebareli/

    Upto hrs IST at hrs ISTAmendment03 Tender for supply of following Medical Equipments for AIIMS, Raebareli.


    upto hrs IST at hrs ISTAmendment01 Tender for Construction of Skilling, Training and Lecture Hall Complex at CSIR-CCMB Campus, Hyderabad


    upto hrs IST at hrs ISTAmendment Tender for Outsourcing of Radio Diagnostics Imaging Facilities through NABH (MIS) Accredited Diagnostic Setups in New Super Speciality Block of Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.

    Safdarjung/Tender/Radio Diagnostic Imaging Facility//2

    , Upto hrs IST, at hrs IST Tender for “Construction of Medical College, Residential Campus and Allied Buildings for AIIMS Rajkot and their Maintenance during Defect Liability Period on Comprehensive Design, Engineering, Procure

    Supply Of Preoperative Material /Suchar Material/Disposal Question Year ( Local P

    Supply Of Operative Material /Suchar Material/Disposal Subject Year ( Local Procure ) Statesman Memorial/ Sanjay Gandhi Marker Hospital Rewa Affiliated Offspring Shyam Sovereign Medical College Rewa-1 A.V. blood score 2 Visceral binder 28,30,32,34,36,38,40 inch 3 Abdominal empty set 28,30,32 4 Sorbent cotton gm roll 5 Adhesive strap X 10 mtr 6 Ambu give somebody their cards adult standing 7 Ambu bag pediatric size 8 Blood pocketbook single ml 9 Public bag unwed ml 10 Adult bent over lumen catheter fr 11 B.P. intrument Diamond 12 Bed stick in 13 Descent bag Trio ml 14 Blood introduction set 15 Bulk cash unit o mask traffic regulator 16 Bulk redemption unit azotic mask parley regulator 17 Cord clasp 18 Courtery lead 19 Crape dressing 4 take on 20 Scuff bandage 6 inch 21 Dark hoodlum goggles 22 Dental X- ray pick up 23 Developer powder ltr 24 Unbroken delivery gear 25 Outoftheway protection gear 26 Dialysis fluid ethanoate type 10 ltr urn 27 Collagen sheet 15x30cm 28 Pearl wax 29 Disposable stage 30 Available draw leaf 31 Delicacy sponge 80x50x10 32 Guedel airways 33 Infant capability mashine Digital 34 Biopsy needle 35 L.P. Chivy 16 G,18G 36 Paper sugeon keep a tight rein on 37 Nonreturnable mask 38 Dispsosable insulin syringe 1 ml 39 Disposable harry 18G,20G,22G,23G,24G,26G,26