Claudio baglioni biografia
Claudio Baglioni
Musical artist
Claudio BaglioniOMRI (Italian pronunciation:[ˈklaudjobaʎˈʎoːni]; born 16 May 1951) is an Italian pop singer-songwriter and musician. His career has been going on for over 50 years.[1]
Considered one of the most successful pop rock singer-songwriters in the history of Italian music, he has sold over 60 million records, among which Questo piccolo grande amore from 1972 stands out, of which the song of the same name was awarded «song of the century»,[2]Strada facendo from 1981, one of the albums the artist's most successful album and La vita è adesso from 1985 which is the best-selling album of all time in Italy.[3][4]
In the 90s he experiments world music with the discs of the time trilogy, which began with Oltre (1990) considered his masterpiece,[5][6] continued with one of the best-selling albums ever in Italy Io sono qui (1995) and ended with Viaggiatore sulla coda del tempo (1999). In 2006 he composed the anthem of the 2006 Winter Olympics.[7][8][9]
Also an innovator in the field of live performances, Baglioni achieved over a million total spectators with the tours Alé Oó in 1982 and Notti di note in 1985.[10]
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Claudio Baglioni
Claudio Baglioni (Ruma, 16 ta' Mejju1951) huwa kantawtur magħruf Taljan. Huwa twieled Ruma fis-16 ta' Mejju 1951.
Meqjus bħala wieħed mill-aktar kantanti ta’ suċċess tal-pop rock fl-istorja tal-mużika Taljana, huwa biegħ ‘il fuq minn 60 miljun diska, fosthom jispikka Questo piccolo grande amore tal-1972, li minnhom il-kanzunetta bl-istess isem ingħatat “kanzunetta ta’ is-seklu»,[1]Strada facendo mill-1981, wieħed mill-albums l-aktar album ta’ suċċess tal-artist u La vita è adesso mill-1985 li huwa l-album bl-aktar bejgħ ta’ kull żmien fl-Italja.[2][3]
Fis-snin 90 ħaddan il-Mużika Dinjija bid-diski tat-triloġija taż-żmien, li bdiet b’Oltre (1990)[4][5] meqjus bħala l-kapulavur tiegħu, kompla bis-suċċess inkredibbli ta’ Io sono qui (1995) u spiċċat b’Viaggiatore sulla coda del tempo (1999).[6]
Innovatur ukoll fil-qasam tal-wirjiet diretti, Baglioni kiseb aktar minn miljun spettatur totali bit-tour Alé Oó fl-1982 u Notti di note fl-1985.[7] Fl-1986 ivvinta metodu ġdid ta’ eżekuzzjoni live, bit-tour Assolo fejn daqq kompletament waħdu akkumpanjat minn kitarra elettrika, pjanu, sequencer u MIDI, teknoloġija li qatt ma ġiet ittestjata dak iż-żmien.[8]