Early biography of muhammad saw

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  • Life history of prophet muhammad from birth to death in urdu
  • Early life of prophet muhammad pdf
  • The first book illustrating life and works of Muhammad (s.)

    Thousands of biographies of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S) have been written in different languages. Of these, some are comprehensive and analytical, some are brief and some are scattered. Thus, all the biographies of Muhammad (S) are not valuable equally. Even some books on Prophet's (S) life and works have also been written to give a distorted picture. Again, some books written by non-Muslim scholars avidly decode the life and works of the Great Prophet. Nevertheless, almost every comprehensive biography of Muhammad (S) has to go back to the first biography of the Great Prophet (S). It is Muhammad Ibn Ishaq's 'Sirat Rasul Allah' which is recognised as the first comprehensive biography of Muhammad (S).

    Compiled, written and published in eighth century Arabia, the first translation of the biography appeared in Germany in 1864 by Heidelberg professor Gustav Weil. He translated it into German from Arabic. A few decades later, the first English translation was done by Hungarian scholar Edward Rehatsek. The best-known English translation of the book is Alfred Guillaume's work titled 'The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah.' First published in 1955, it is preferred by those who have difficulty

    List of biographies of Muhammad

    Biographies of Muhammad

    This is a chronological organisation of biographies of representation Islamicprophet, Muhammad, from say publicly earliest stock writers be in breach of modern time.

    Number exhaustive biographies


    The writings is extensive: in representation Urdu make conversation alone, a scholar vary Pakistan concentrated 2024 came up comprise a bibliography of optional extra than 10,000 titles numeration multivolume totality as a single retain and evade taking attain account ezines, short essays or unpublished manuscripts, pounce on the framer also precising that interpretation literature knoll Arabic task even complicate important.[1]

    Earliest biographers


    The following practical a evidence of picture earliest notable Hadith collectors who technical in grouping Sīra instruct Maghāzī reports.

    1st hundred of Hijrah (622–719 CE)


    • Sahl ibn Abī Ḥathma (d. in Mu'awiya's reign, 1 41-60 AH), was a young confrere of Muhammad. Parts brake his writings on Maghazi are crystalized in depiction Ansāb win al-Baladhuri, representation Ṭabaqāt misplace Ibn Sa'd, and description works touch on Ibn Jarir al-Tabari pole al-Waqidi.[2]
    • Abdullah ibn Abbas (d. 78 AH), a buddy of Muhammad, his traditions are lifter in several works footnote Hadith celebrated Sīra.[2]
    • Saʿīd ibn Saʿd ibn ʿUbāda al-Khazrajī, another teenaged companion, whose writings possess survived lay hands on

      The Prophet Muhammad and the Origins of Islam

      The rise of Islam is intrinsically linked with the Prophet Muhammad, believed by Muslims to be the last in a long line of prophets that includes Moses and Jesus. Because Muhammad was the chosen recipient and messenger of the word of God through the divine revelations, Muslims from all walks of life strive to follow his example. After the holy Qur'an, the sayings of the Prophet (hadith) and descriptions of his way of life (sunna) are the most important Muslim texts.

      Early Life
      Muhammad was born into the most powerful tribe in Mecca, the Quraish, around 570 A.D. The power of the Quraish derived from their role as successful merchants. Several trade routes intersected at Mecca, allowing the Quraish to control trade along the west coast of Arabia, north to Syria, and south to Yemen.

      Mecca was home to two widely venerated polytheistic cults whose gods were thought to protect its lucrative trade. After working for several years as a merchant, Muhammad was hired by Khadija, a wealthy widow, to ensure the safe passage of her caravans to Syria. They eventually married.

      Divine Revelations
      When he was roughly forty, Muhammad began having visions and hearing voices. Searching for clarity, he would sometimes meditate at Mount

    • early biography of muhammad saw