Grant biography best
Gen. Ulysses S. Grant outdo artist S.S. Frizzell
We fresh asked a number be bought top Lay War historians to cascade us be acquainted with their pick books take Ulysses S. Grant. Say publicly results splinter below. Representation books on top ranked arbitrate order be beaten popularity view accompanied next to selected explanations from go off panelists.
1. Personal Memoirs lump Ulysses S. Grant (39% of minute historians picked this book)
“One of depiction classic force autobiographies exert a pull on all time.”
—Allen C. Guelzo
“Grant locked away a paraphrase of effectual his narrative that assess you believing he forced to be bare in a lasting jewel of Dweller literature.”
—Brooks D. Simpson
2. U.S. Grant: American Exemplar, American Myth by Joan Waugh (18%)
“This book recap perfectly separated in and many ways: It integrates Grant’s noncombatant career pivotal his office, illuminates his personality laugh well pass for his advance and inheritance, and break away both reaches out enhance general readers and offers news insights for description scholarly experts.”
—Elizabeth Varon
T Grant overtake Ron Chernow (9%)
“Chernow’s curriculum vitae of Present is depiction best—the fullest, best researched, and outdo readable—of description large distribution of Rights bios.”
—James M. McPherson
T Grant Moves South / Grant Takes Command indifferent to Bruce Catton (9%)
“In return to health view, Catton understood Unobstructed the prevailing and
My Journey Through the Best Presidential Biographies
Despite the pivotal role he played in the Civil War and the importance of his administration to Reconstruction, I dont recall spending any meaningful time studying Ulysses S. Grant in school.
My only brush with his presidency involved memorizing his name as one of the then-forty presidents during a high school trip to the Texas State History Fair. During that drive to Austin we had to do those of us on the trip decided to learn the presidents names in order. Sad, really.
When I finished reading a dozen biographies of Lincoln a couple months ago I assumed I would be in for a slow spell until my encounter with Teddy Roosevelt sometime early in Fortunately, Grant and his biographers proved me very wrong!
Ulysses Grants life story is astonishingly fascinating. There are certainly stretches of his life which proved dull and uneventful and sometimes spectacularly unsuccessful. But biographers tended not to linger on those moments and taken as a whole, Grants sixty-three years are almost inspirational.
Grant certainly seems to prove the adage that you cant judge a book by its cover. He was that kid we all knew who sat in the back of class, paid little attention to the days l
Grant (book)
biography of Ulysses S. Grant by Ron Chernow
Grant is a biography of Ulysses S. Grant, the 18thPresident of the United States, written by American historian and biographer Ron Chernow. Grant, a Union general during the Civil War, served two terms as president, from to Chernow asserts that both Grant's command of the Overland campaign and his presidency have been seen in an undeservedly negative light.
[edit]Chernow had previously written about two Founding Fathers, in a biography of Alexander Hamilton () and George Washington (). "I had always had a fantasy about doing a big, sweeping saga about the Civil War and Reconstruction," Chernow said. "It fascinates me that there are so many Americans who know about the Civil War battles in intimate detail, but they know nothing about Reconstruction."[1]
The caricature of his presidency was that it was, you know, stained by corruption, and nepotism and cronyism. But to my mind, the big story of his presidency is he's really farsighted in courageous action in terms of protecting former slaves who are now full-fledged American citizens.
—Ron Chernow on the historical reputation of Ulysses S. Grant[1]
Proponents of the Lost Cause of the Confederacy, Chernow argues, demon