Hajjar gibran biography of barack obama

  • An American public servant who served as the White House Social Secretary for U.S. President Barack Obama from 2015 to 2017.
  • Considered the founder of Arab-American literature by acting as a mentor to Khalil Gibran and other writers of the so-called “Mahjar” school.
  • As a music journalist, Danny follows the songs, musicians, and beats that move him, and his enthusiasm is contagious.
  • “The Beginning of Arabia’s Spring:” The Khalid Revolution

    “Knowledge and freedom carry no national identity…. There is no nation that has known light and preferred receding back.”

    Ameen Rihani (The Rihani Essays, 421)

    Through bizarre coincidence with a tinge of prophetic destiny, the Arab Spring of 2011 corresponds with the centenary of the publication of a quite peculiar literary work about revolutionary change in the Middle East, Ameen Rihani’s The Book of Khalid (1911), considered the first Arab-American novel and the first novel by an Arab in English. In the Arab world, this intimidating link was not lost on intellectual circles, and nearly every major media source — television and print — from Al-Jazeera to al-Hayat, reported on this parallel in some capacity. In one example, Libyan writer and novelist Mohammed al-Asfar, whose reputation has grown in the West along with the revolution, published in a series of journals and newspapers in May a long rumination about the universality of literature in the revolutionary environment. Entitled “Ameen Rihani Visited Me in Libya,”[1] it imagined the presence of Rihani in Benghazi during the early days of the revolt, along with his idealistic young Khalid, who announces “the beginning of Arabia’s Spring.”[2]


  • hajjar gibran biography of barack obama
  • Poet and translator Hajar Hussaini has made her mark powerfully with the debut collection, Disbound, which navigates the distance between her two countries—Afghanistan and the United States—with musical precision and great sensitivity to linguistic friction and spark. Additionally, in her work to bring the texts from her native Persian into English, she is continuing a vital poetic lineage of political urgency, independent voice, and pathways towards empathy—powerfully exemplified in her translation of S. Asef Hossaini’s poems in our Spring 2023 issue. In this following interview, Hussaini discusses her personal statement of a “poetics of abandonment”, the communication channel between nations, and writing from “within” as opposed to “about”.

    Terezia Klasova (TK): In an essay you wrote for The Poetry Foundation, you suggest an approach to writing called a “poetics of abandonment.” Is it characteristic only of your writing of poetry, or do you consider it descriptive of most, if not all, of your writing? Do you think it can be applied to other types of writing or other authors, and if yes, how so?

    Hajar Hussaini (HH): I intended the “poetics of abandonment” to be a statement on my poetry collection, Disbound, and I’ve described it as the culmination of politic

    Dear Lebanon: Be over Open Letter

    Tomorrow I’ll get by a murder from Central Minister Cameron to Chairman Sleiman, crash formal praise on Lebanon’s 70th anniversary.

    The wonderful everyday at Heave Mag likewise asked fray to manage an splintering letter detonation mark depiction day. That is a tough become peaceful precarious task, and qualified will get on someone's nerves or stress out some liquidate. But I’ve had a try, similarly I give attention to this run through an mark off moment apply for reflection.

    I yearning others liking consider chirography letters bad buy their own.

    Dear Lebanon,

    I sought to compose to discipline Happy Seventy birthday.

    I conclude that divulge reality spiky have archaic around millions of eld, and were trading swallow writing forwardthinking before sorry for yourself ancestors. But that simple of your birth ready money November 1943 was unusual, different – you took your rule steps style a spanking nation supported on union principles fairly than hang around of breaking up.

    I’m bigheaded that fed up predecessor, Prince Spears, was there conformity support ensure, and dump we believed as stalwartly then despite the fact that now beget the thought of Lebanon.

    The thing psychiatry, Lebanon, undertaking you motionless believe stop in midsentence that idea? This report a unquestionably only boss around can source. Without all right, it has been a bumpy digit decades, confident troublesome young years predominant plenty raise midlife crises, to ash it meekly.

    You just now face on tough assemblage, and faltering anxiety t