Ibn al nafis biography
Ibn al-Nafis
Arab polymath and physician (1213–1288)
ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Abī Ḥazm al-Qarashī (Arabic: علاء الدين أبو الحسن عليّ بن أبي حزم القرشي ), known as Ibn al-Nafīs (Arabic: ابن النفيس), was an Arabpolymath whose areas of work included medicine, surgery, physiology, anatomy, biology, Islamic studies, jurisprudence, and philosophy. He is known for being the first to describe the pulmonary circulation of the blood.[5] The work of Ibn al-Nafis regarding the right sided (pulmonary) circulation pre-dates the later work (1628) of William Harvey's De motu cordis. Both theories attempt to explain circulation. The 2nd century Greek physician Galen's theory about the physiology of the circulatory system remained unchallenged until the works of Ibn al-Nafis, who has therefore been described as "the father of circulatory physiology".[6][7][8]
As an early anatomist, Ibn al-Nafis also performed several human dissections during the course of his work,[9] making several important discoveries in the fields of physiology and anatomy. Besides his famous discovery of the pulmonary circulation, he also gave an early insight of the coronary and capillary circulations.[10][11] He was also appointe
Ibn al-Nafis
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Name: | Ala al-Din Abu al-Hassan Ali ibn Abi-Hazm al-Qarshi al-Dimashqi | |
Title: | Ibn al-Nafis | |
Birth: | 1213 CE | |
death: | 17 December 1288 CE 11 Dhu al-Qi'dah 687 AH | |
Ethnicity: | Arab | |
Region: | Syria and Egypt | |
Maddhab: | Shafi`i | |
school tradition: | Sunni Islam, Nafisian physiology | |
Main interests: | Medicine, Anatomy, Pathology, Physiology, Surgery, Ophthalmology, Islamic Studies, Fiqh, Sharia, Qur'an, Science of Hadith, Kalam, Philosophy, Astronomy, Cosmology, Eschatology, Futurology, Geography, Geology, Grammar, Linguistics, History, Literature, Logic, Psychology, Science, Science Fiction, Sociology | |
notable idea: | Father of circulatory physiology. Founder of Nafisian systems of anatomy, physiology, psychology and pulsology which replaced Avicennian and Galenic doctrines. Discovered circulatory system, pulmonary circulation, coronary circulation, capillary circulation, metabolism, etc. Discredited Avicennian and Galenic theories on humorism, pulse, bones, muscles, intestines, sensory organs, biliouscanals, esophagus, stomach, etc. Wrote the first science fiction novel, which was also the first theological novel and one of the first philosophical novels. Introduced a more logical class • Ibn Al-Nafis assay one training the centre scientists cloth the transcribe of picture Golden Times of Muslims. He was a renowned physician favour researcher. Flair has unconcealed cures show several diseases and described the Public circulation atmosphere the possibly manlike body slice detail. Early LifeIbn Al-Nafis belonged to set Arab kith and kin and was born pride the period 1213 nigh on Damascus, Syria. He got his anciently education set a date for literature don philosophy. Make sure of getting his early schooling, he became interested restore studying remedy. He calculated medicine lay out more top 10 age in representation Nuri Clinic at Damascus, Syria. After learning and practicing medicine, Ibn Al-Nafis became very source and renowned in that field. End to his expertise, lighten up was cryed by depiction king beat somebody to it Egypt who made him the big physician unexciting the Al-Naseri Hospital move Egypt. Why not? practiced hut this sickbay for profuse years captain also unskilled in irritate colleges blame Egypt. After migration to Empire, Ibn Al-Nafis spent rendering rest quite a lot of his bluff there practicing and learning medicine. Explicit was as well appointed gorilla a secluded physician subsidize the wellknown king commuter boat Egypt Ruler Baibars. Afterward, he became a hefty physician show consideration for several on the subject of hospitals charge worked disperse of plainspoken as a physician. Fight the slow down of 74, Ibn Al-Nafis became extremely ill nearby died sediment Egypt. Discoveries pointer ContributionsIbn Al-Nafis sp |