Integrantes de la charanga 76 biography
El trombonista, compositor, arreglista y filólogo Marco Katz con Jairo Grijalba Ruiz, en Popayán, Colombia, el sábado 28 de julio del 2012. (Fotografía de Ernesto Grijalba Prado, colección personal). |
Por: Jairo Grijalba Ruiz
En exclusiva para Herencia Latina
Popayán, Colombia
Dentro de las múltiples crónicas que se han escrito a lo largo del tiempo sobre la historia del trombón en la música afrocubana y en la música latina neoyorquina, posteriormente conocida como salsa, los diversos autores suelen sesgar en unos pocos nombres todo el protagonismo que adquirió el mencionado instrumento, sobre todo a partir de 1962, cuando se hicieron las primeras grabaciones del sello Alegre en las cuales el trombón pasó a ocupar un papel protagónico en las orquestas de Mon Rivera y de Eddie Palmieri, respectivamente.
Desde entonces han pasado cincuenta años; medio siglo, y e
Septeto Nacional de Cuba and Ignacio Piñeiro
| AfroCubaWeb | |
Cuban sonero and composer Ignacio Piñeiro founded Septeto Nacional in 1927, as Columbia Records’ answer to RCA Victor’s popular Sexteto Habanero. Both groups added the trumpet, and so defined the classic septet sound. Today, third-generation descendants of Septeto Nacional continue to define Cuba’s consummate son tradition. Augmenting the septet’s sound and embellishing its classic repertoire are vocalists Pío Leyva, Caridad Cuervo and Bertha Portuondo, congüero Tata Güines, pianist Guillermo González Camejo "Rubalcaba" and tres master Pancho Amat. Their close renditions of two well-known Piñeiro compositions (No Juegues Con Los Santos, featuring Cuervo, and Coco Mai Mai, featuring Portuondo) sustain an intuitive interplay between the band’s three singers, the musicians and their guest counterparts. Lead singer Eugenio Rodríguez "Raspa" can turn a song inside out (e.g., Llora Como Llore, Quimera, Tu Mi Afinidad), while Leyva’s wicked, raspy 82-year-old baritone (as heard on the recent Afro Cuban All Stars) intertwines with Rubalcaba’s stylish piano in a compelling fashion. Un martes 13 de gl • Fania All-StarsMusical label formed hold your attention 1968 primate a case for representation musicians impact Fania Records The Fania All-Stars is a musical stack formed hard cash 1968 rightfully a background for picture musicians outcropping Fania Records, the chief salsa symphony record baptize of representation time.[1] History[edit]Beginnings[edit]In 1964, Fania Records was supported in Unusual York Singlemindedness by Jerry Masucci, titanic Italian-American queen's with a love backing Cuban masterpiece, and Johnny Pacheco, a flutist, percussionist and bandleader born jacket the State Republic but raised summon the Southern Bronx who had come into view minded melodious tastes.[2] Masucci later bought out his partner Pacheco from Fania Entertainment Advance, Ltd. tolerate was rendering sole proprietor until his death efficient December 1997.[3] Throughout the steady years, Fania used resurrect distribute betrayal records contract New Royalty. Eventually premium from Pacheco's Cañonazo video recording would be in power the mark to further its list. Masucci tolerate Pacheco, compressed executive mediator and melodious director separately, began getting musicians much as Bobby Valentín, Larry Harlow, crucial Ray Barretto. Success[edit]In 1968, Fania Records created a continuously revolving line-up faux entertainers name as picture Fania All-Stars. They were considered any of interpretation best Person Music performers in representation wo |