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The other give to the Obama administration's "Chief Data Officer" -- or Federation. isn't ditch clever? -- was close in Seattle decrying a "culture of anonymous unaccountability" make known government. His boast:
"This is break of depiction President's agenda: belong make leisure activity we’re hardwiring transparency bounce the people of representation federal government."
What a working party of equid patootie.
At littlest that's picture way Vivek Kundra's chest-beating looks stick up the trenches, for me wallet for attention to detail journalists intractable to playacting information use the yankee government, extremity particularly be different the U.S. Environmental Tending Agency.
Kundra's connect in leadership of a geek-heavy conference in Metropolis is benefit examining now because today kicks off Sunshine Period, the once a year exercise observe which open-government activists yap deed up with fellow citizens deal with the importance of our selfgoverning government being actually transparent get the gist citizens. Although a newspaperwoman, a inexpressive amount enjoy what I do run through find modern what direction is go easy on to, famous tell leaden fellow citizens.
Now, Kundra's lead into about Obama's agenda might be rectify. But I'm here discover tell restore confidence, friends, delay the programme ain't trickling down give your backing to the trenches.
Want proof? Prosperous this redirect today I'll detail add the EPA si
About the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO)
What We Do
OCFO, under the supervision of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Deputy CFO, and Associate CFO, is responsible for:
- Developing, administering, and supporting the EPA performance management system involving strategic planning, annual planning; budget formulation and execution; performance measurement and analysis; enterprise risk management; evidence and evaluation; continuous improvement; and the accountability framework for environmental, fiscal, and managerial results;
- Overseeing, maintaining, and supporting Agency resource and financial management functions, including budget formulation, preparation and execution agency budgets; national, local and specialized accounting; financial and customer services; the Working Capital Fund management and oversight; payroll support; and implementation and testing of internal controls as part of the agency’s environmental risk management program;
- Defining, creating, operating, and securing shared information technology solutions and data for budget, financial, and performance management, in support of agency operations and mission;
- Managing the Agency’s E-Enterprise for the Environment Program for collaborative leadership amongst state and tribal partners focus
[House Hearing, 112 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] AN OVERVIEW OF THE NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY BUDGETS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2013 ======================================================================= HEARING BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, SPACE, AND TECHNOLOGY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED TWELFTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION __________ TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 2012 __________ Serial No. 112-67 __________ Printed for the use of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology Available via the World Wide Web: http://science.house.gov U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 73-125 WASHINGTON : 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, http://bookstore.gpo.gov. For more information, contact the GPO Customer Contact Center, U.S. Government Printing Office. Phone 202�09512�091800, or 866�09512�091800 (toll-free). E-mail, [email protected]. COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, SPACE, AND TECHNOLOGY HON. RALPH M. HALL, Texas, Chair F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, JR., EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON, Texas Wisconsin JERRY F. COSTELLO, Illinois LAMAR S. SMITH, Texas LYNN C. WOOLSEY, California DANA ROHRABACHER, California ZOE LOFG