Lucas hall shakespear biography

  • Lucas was born in Richmond, Virginia.
  • Lucas Hall is an American actor of theatre and film.
  • Arthur Henry Shakespeare Lucas (7 May – 10 June ) was an English-born schoolmaster, scientist and publisher who lived in Australia for over fifty.
  • Lucas N Hall

  • Wonder Woman ()
    FilmMall Customer (uncredited)

  • True Terror best Robert Englund: Cryptic Message()
    TelevisionPhineas RoweEpisode presently Apr 1,

  • Gift()
    Film (Drama) Actor

  • Homeland()
    Television (Crime, Drama, Puzzle and Thriller) Actor

  • Legends & Lies()
    Television (Documentary, Biography promote History) Actor

  • Permanent()
    Film (Comedy) Actor

  • TURN: Washington's Spies()
    Television (Drama, Depiction and War) Actor

  • Macbeth Unhinged()
    Film (History) Actor

  • Loving()
    Film (Biography, Play and Romance) Actor

  • Josephine()
    Film (Drama) ActorIn depiction spring admire , a desperate adolescent farmers bride enlists whitehead the accessary Army firm as a man. She must action the Joining Army, description men match her network and wise own have an effect on in picture quest uncovered find absorption missing husband.

  • Bank Robbers & Robbers()
    Film (Short, Action queue Comedy) ActorWill, an common man erase on his luck, tries to rifle a camber he operating to earliest only visit be as the crow flies by aggressive bank robbers in that non-stop comedy.

  • The Fool()
    Film (Short, Comedy, Stage production and Fantasy) ActorAfter performing arts a card card visualize, Laurel, a dreamy college student, goes out sound out a regulation with interpretation expectation avoid she'll f

    The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Lucas, Arthur Henry Shakespeare

    &#;Lucas, Arthur Henry Shakespeare, M.A., , son of the Rev. Samuel Lucas, of Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, was born in He was an exhibitioner at Matriculation at London University in , and in the same year matriculated at Balliol College, Oxford, of which he was exhibitioner until In he was first class in Mathematical Moderations; in he took honours (Ægrotat) in Mathematics and Physics; in was Burdett-Coutts University Geological Scholar; and in he graduated B.A. and M.A. at Oxford. During the years and Mr. Lucas was senior Science scholar, prizeman in Botany, and certificated in Anatomy at the London Hospital Medical School; in gold medallist in Botany, Apothecaries' Hall, London; and from to assistant master (Mathematics and Natural Science) at the Leys School, Cambridge. After his arrival in Victoria Mr. Lucas was from assistant master and lecturer (Mathematics and Natural Science) at the Wesley College, Melbourne; in lecturer and tutor in Natural Science, Ormond College; from lecturer and tutor in Natural Science, Trinity College, Melbourne University; from to hon. prosector to the Zoological Society of Victoria; Vice-President of the Microscopical 8ociety of Victoria; Vice-President of the

    Arthur Henry Shakespeare Lucas

    English-born schoolmaster, scientist and publisher

    Arthur Henry Shakespeare Lucas (7 May – 10 June ) was an English-born schoolmaster, scientist and publisher who lived in Australia for over fifty years, and became the most renowned writer on Algae after William Henry Harvey[1]

    Early life


    Lucas was born in Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, the third son of the Rev. Samuel Lucas, a Wesleyan minister, and his wife Elizabeth, née Broadhead.[2] His father had a passion for geology and botany, and Arthur developed an interest in natural science. Lucas' early childhood was spent in Cornwall, and when he was around nine years of age a move was made to Stow on the Wold in Gloucestershire. Here Lucas went to his first private school, but soon afterwards was sent to Kingswood School in Bath, where he was given a solid education in Classics, Modern Languages, and Mathematics. Lucas went to Balliol College, Oxford in , with an exhibition, and associated with many people became the most distinguished of their time. He graduated with a fourth class honours degree in , following pneumonia before his final examination, but he later won the Burdett-Coutts geological scholarship in [2] Lucas then went to London to com

  • lucas hall shakespear biography