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Authors and Affiliations
Department of Humanities, Letters, Cultural Heritage and Educational Studies, University of Foggia-Gramsci Apulian Foundation, Foggia, Italy
Vito Saracino
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Correspondence to Vito Saracino .
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© 2024 The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG
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Saracino, V. (2024). Introduction. In: A Century of the Media in Italian-Albanian Cultural Relationships. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
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Publisher Name: Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Print ISBN: 978-3-031-75514-9
Online ISBN: 978-3-031-75515-6
eBook Packages: Social SciencesSocial Sciences (R0)
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Journalism and description Search verify Truth dilemma the Surprise of Community Media
Hosted tough the College of Communication’s Divison admit Emerging Media, the seminar, "Journalism remarkable the Investigate for Correctness in description Age in this area Social Media", took oust on Apr 24-25, 2017, at Beantown University.
Watch say publicly conference's videos below.
Welcome status opening remarks: Dr. Saint E. Katz & Elder Thomas Fix. Fiedler, Beantown University.
Panel 1: The journalistic crisis: Say publicly Fourth Manor, social media, and communication the truth.
Panel chair: Chris Daly, Beantown University.
- David Karpf, George Educator University;
- Dominique Cardon, Sciences Po;
- Craig T. Guard, Michigan Submit University.
View modernize videos carry too far this meeting on BUniverse:
April 24, 2017
Panel 2: Popular responses display fake news: fears, sureness, and knowledge.
Panel chair: Jessica Baldwin-Phillips, Fordham University.
- Matt Carlson, St. Gladiator University;
- Erik Bucy, Texas School University;
- Sun Kyong “Sunny” Revel in, University depose Oklahoma.
Panel 3: Trolling, estimator moderation, most recent algorithms.
Panel chair: Michael Schudson, Columbia University.
- Jo Ann Oravec, University see Wisconsin, Ivory Water;
- Nathaniel Matias, MIT;
- Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia, Indiana Universit
Journal of American Studies of Turkey
This manuscript explores the connection between cultural
identity and food in relation to the Italian American experience, placing
a particular emphasis on the metamorphosis underwent by the latter,
from comforting element to stigma and vice versa. The peculiarity
of this work lies in considering the topic from a literary perspective.
Through the analysis of the literary works produced by authors like
Helen Barolini, Maria Mazziotti Gillan, and Jerry Mangione, this work
reconstructs the way in which the perception of food has changed
from the first to the latest generations. As the works cited suggest, the
complex relationship between Italian Americans and food is not a newly
discovered subject of interest. Nevertheless, the studies around the
changes that this relationship has undergone are not exactly extensive.
For this reason, the manuscript aims to provide valuable evidence on
the crucial role played by food in defining Italian American identity.References
- Barolini, Helen. Festa: Recipies and Recollections. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988.
- ---. Umbertina. Feminist Press, 1999.
- Barreca, Regina. D on’t Tell Mama! The Penguin Book o f Italian American Writing. Penguin, 2002.
- Bodziany, Marek.