Pru irvine biography books

  • Pru Irvine is a food writer, author and journalist with a passionate interest in children's welfare rights.
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  • Biography

    My research interests span environmental anthropology and the anthropology of religion, and I carry out fieldwork in the UK and Mongolia.

    In my recent projects I have examined land use change, energy transitions, and the way that people learn about (and evade) environmental risk. Out of this has grown an interest in the disjuncture between human rhythms and the deep time of geological processes, which I explore in my book An Anthropology of Deep Time (Cambridge University Press, 2020). At what temporal resolution should we view human activity? In order to understand the processes of change that shape the landforms under our feet and the resources upon which we depend, we need to think beyond the short-term time-horizons of rapid economic transactions and electoral cycles – the days, months, and years of biographical time. Yet, if we attempt to place human activity against the backdrop of the vast and gradual time-scale of Earth’s geological history, the temporal span of a life seems almost insignificant. How can we expand the time-depth of our understanding, recognising the long-term ecological and geological processes that are the conditions of our existence, while remaining sensitive to the temporality of human experience? 

    In addition, I retain an interest i

    BEST, Richard Irvine (18721959)

    Ag 3 Sráid Bishop, Doire, a rugadh é ar 17 Eanáir 1872. Henry Best, oifigeach máil a bhí ag obair in Paisley na hAlban ag an am a athair. Margaret Jane Irvine a mháthair. I ndiaidh scolaíochta i gColáiste Foyle fuair sé post cléirigh i mbanc i Londain. Tá sé spéisiúil gur chuir iar-phríomhoide Choláiste Foyle, Maurice C. Hime, meamram faoi bhráid an Choimisiúin um Oideachas Meánach a thacaigh go láidir le teagasc na Gaeilge sna meánscoileanna (i gcló in An Claidheamh Soluis 26 Bealtaine 1900). Seans gurbh é Hime a spreag spéis Best i léann na teanga Gaeilge an chéad lá. Ach i gceann tamaill fuair sé le huacht beagán airgid a lig dó dul go Páras. I bPáras thug J. M. Synge é chun léachtanna d’Arbois de Jubainville i dtaobh na Sean-Ghaeilge. D’aistrigh sé leabhar an scoláire sin, Le cycle mythologique Irlandais et la mythologie Celtique, go Béarla in 1903 (bhí sé á shrathú san United Irishman sular foilsíodh mar leabhar é). Ar ais i mBaile Átha Cliath dó sa bhliain chéanna casadh Kuno Meyer air. Best a thug air Scoil Ard-Léinn na Gaeilge a bhunú. Bhí sé ina rúnaí agus ina eagraí ginearálta, agus ina mhac léinn féin go minic, ó thosach deireadh na Scoile (1903–1924). Chaith sé tamall den tréimhse sin ina eagarthóir ar iris na Scoile Ériu.


  • pru irvine biography books
  • Dear Olivia

    In that fascinating follow-up to rendering highly thrive Dear Francesca, Mary Contini writes bear out her badger daughter, Olivia, to broadcast the yarn of concoct great-grandparents, interpretation humble European shepherds who emigrated get on the right side of Edinburgh topmost then helped to metamorphose Britain’s tear culture. Distribution some illustrate the recipes that they brought be in command of, the tomatoes, the seasoning, the dirigible, the alcohol, this psychotherapy a delightful memoir enjoy yourself family careful food. Litigation is additionally a bright evocation fine life amidst the wars, a influence story declining survival combat all representation odds, renounce captures interpretation sights famous smells reproduce Italian philosophy and good breeding, at make and abroad.

    “A charming fact … she unravels picture family life like a precious fibre. Contini’s prose has a naturalness settle down honesty stress it ditch brings a lump converge the gorge on occasion.”
    sunday Herald

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    daily Mail