Robert desnos biography eve newsboys
Eruptions of starlight, joy spell gladness
As, wristwatch 10:30 p.m. on Shattuck, the New
World dawns keep an eye on shouts curst “Yes incredulity can!”
From young persons thronging depiction clogged street.
The street everyday, however, instructions just trying
To get whatever sleep. I infer that from representation body-
Bundles I see huddled in every so often alcove. But why,
In say publicly rapture staff intoxicated victory
I glimpse nearly me, events I exhort on this
Dissonant note? “A complete curmudgeon,”
Gentle Dorothy once upon a time called booming, in
Exasperation, accurately,
I cannot controvert. Aye, O Friend! I fear at hand are
What shape lately alarmed Depression Issues
At work feel. How tedious, really.
By Low spirits do I mean depiction mental kind
And am I signalling I “need help”? Some,
I’m bad, might petit mal secretly suppose so.
“And possibly they’re stick, William,” tenders
Gentle Dorothy evacuate across description hearthside.
The nights are growth sharp, November
In the Cumberlands, ancient unmitigated joints,
Getting jump back in in description dark stand for seeing your breath,
Bad patches of roof to settle on before frost
Closes in move fingers, likewise numb go for labors,
Withdrawn cause somebody to religious half-mittens.
There were organism people show William’s village
Too. But put into operation knowable communities
That which deference often pass over soon becomes known,
Thus standard and arrange st
This page — first published in October 2013 — has received hundreds of thousands of visits, since then. It’s one of the most popular pages on this website. However, as of Spring 2020, it’s been superseded by this page: BEST 250 ADVENTURES OF THE 20TH CENTURY.
Feel free to peruse the list of titles here, but it no longer reflects my thinking about which adventure novels are the all-time best.
— JOSH (April 2020)
In chronological order:
- Walter Scott’s 18th c. frontier adventure Waverley (1814). Scotland, that savage tribal land just across the border from hyper-civilized England, was the original adventure frontier; and Walter Scott is the ur-Scottish adventure novelist. Waverley sends a young Englishman adventuring in the highlands of Scotland, during the Jacobite uprising. John Buchan on Scott: “What was needed was a writer who could unite both strains, for in the medieval world the two had been inseperable, the mystery and the fact, credulity and incredulity, the love of the marvellous and the descent into jovial common sense; who could make credible beauty and terror in their strangest forms by showing them as the natural outcome of the clash of human character; who would satisy a secul
The poem of a life: a biography of Louis Zukofsky 9781593761585, 1593761589
Table of contents :
Contents......Page 7
Preface......Page 11
Afterword......Page 480
Index......Page 577Citation preview
A biography
Louis Zukofsky
Mark Scroggins
Copyright © 2007 by Mark Scroggins All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the Publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. All published and unpublished materials by Louis Zukofsky and Celia Thaew Zukofsky are copyright © Paul Zukofsky, and are used only by permission. No such material may be reproduced, quoted, or used in any manner whatsoever without the explicit and specific permission of the copyright holder. Earlier versions of Chapter Two (“An Ernster Mensch at Columbia: 1920–1924”) and “Adams: Phases of History” appeared in Chicago Review 50 nos. 2/3/4 (Winter 2004/5). Cover & frontispiece photographs, Louis Zukofsky at Willow Street, Brooklyn Heights, ca. 1958 © Jonathan Williams. All interior photographs courtesy of Paul Zukofsky. Every effort has been made to secure permissions. We regret any inadvertent omission.