Sal glesser biography template

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  • sal wrote: ↑

    Tue Apr 19, am

    Talkin' Story:[/i]

    I'd been interested in knives all of my life. I've always paid attention to the use of a knife as a potential weapon. In , I spent some time with Mr. James Keating.

    Like Michael Janich and a few others, I think that the skill that they develop is art form carried by artists across centuries of teacher/student learning. Much like Martial Art styles, Kendo, Escrima and other Marital Blade styles, they are well thought out, practiced and taught. Michael has way more knowledge on this. He's a Master, in my opinion.

    For me, James Keating's Riddle of Steelwas a new and special experience. James is a good teacher and I learned a great deal. A bunch of knife afi's jump into jet boats and cruise up the Snake River to a camp. Rooms, food, and days of MBC. I met some great people and it was through those people that Mike and I met.

    The Lil' Temperance trailing point (Rhino) was designed to fit James Keating "style" of trapping, and keep within a " blade limit. Designed for Forward grip edge down, the clip-holes and dimples on the handle were for rotation to Reverse Grip Edge Out. We also made a Leaf blade for more general use.

    That was before I learned about P'Kal and Mike's style. The new model is an evolution of the original d

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    Sal Glesser

    (Louis) Sal Glesser is married to Gail Glesser, they have a daughter called Christina and a son named Eric Glesser. Sal is the founder and owner of Spyderco inc. in Golden, Colorado, U.S.A., Earth. Sal Glesser is mostly known for his contributions to the knife industry and holds numerous design patents, such as the round hole opener and the pocket clip.

    Design philosophy

    Sal Glesser shared his design philosophy, and mindset when creating new knife designs, on the Spyderco Discussion Forum on 20 October It followed from a question from a Spyderco enthusiast David (username Evil D) wanting to know more about a comment Sal made on the design of the C Shaman in a different online discussion about the C07GP4 Police 4 (abbreviated as P4)[1]. To prevent derailing the original discussion, Sal posted his thoughts on knife design, along with his views on the design mindsets of a few notable fellow knife designers, in a new discussion topic called 'Evil's question'.

    Hi David, I say odd because in my mind, my designs are based more on an intangible than the eye or function, but more in the "spirit" of what I'm trying to achieve. Much like Plato's theory of Pure Forms.

    Let's take some great designers; Bob Lum, the extraordinary artist had an eye few could ma

  • sal glesser biography template