Sheikh mohaisany biography

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    Surat Al-Fātiĥah (The Opener)
    سورة الفاتحة


    Surat Al-Baqarah (The Cow)
    سورة البقرة


    Surat 'Āli `Imrān (Family concede Imran)
    سورة آل عمران


    Surat An-Nisā' (The Women)
    سورة النساء


    Surat Al-Mā'idah (The Table Spread)
    سورة المائدة


    Surat Al-'An`ām (The Cattle)
    سورة الأنعام


    Surat Al-'A`rāf (The Heights)
    سورة الأعراف


    Surat Al-'Anfāl (The Spoils devotee War)
    سورة الأنفال


    Surat At-Tawbah (The Repentance)
    سورة التوبة


    Surat Yūnus (Jonah)
    سورة يونس


    Surat Hūd (Hud)
    سورة هود


    Surat Yūsuf (Joseph)
    سورة يوسف

  • sheikh mohaisany biography
  • Today the 23rd of Ramadan 1431 AH. I write this as I sit inside Masjidul Qatri, Azeeziyya, Makkah al Mukarrama.  I have more than two hours to stand for the Tahajjud prayer that’s prayed in congregation. The Front rows are already filled up with men from  all corners of the world, mostly Arabs. There is nothing particular about this Masjid that makes prayer different here. The Grand Masjid of Makkah is only 3 KM away from where I am now. The specialty is all about the Shaikh who leads prayer here.  He is Shaikh Muhammad bin Sulaiman Almohisni, a reciter whom much of Muslim world knows. As I roll back my memories back  to twenty three years, there is this Shaikh coming to my life as my most valued treasure. That was when my father first brought to our home an audio cassette to make easy our memorization of Glorious Quran. There from on, my heart embraced a voice that was never to replace with anyone else. There may be more of others who are melodious and better at breath and length, yet, my heart has favored this Shaikh above all. I believe, I would have surely lost something precious in life if this Imam was not to come in my way. Many things we miss in life, but realize about it’s value only when we attain it. Also we often underestimate the value of a blessing un

    Dr. Abu Muhammad Abdullah Al-Muhaysini
    د. أبو محمد عبدالله المحيسني

    He was born in the city of Buraidah, al-Qasim, to a known religious family, whose roots reach to the Shammar tribe of Najd. Attending elementary school here, he continued secondary school and college in Mecca, studying in the Meccan Haram Academy (مَعهَد الحَرَم المكي) at the sacred mosque. At the age of 15 he completed the memorisation of Koran.  Then he started learning hadith under Sheikh Yahya b. Abdulaziz al-Yahya, memorising the summary of the Nine Books (al-kutub at-tis’ah) in four years.

    In the same period he studied classic hadith books like Taysir Al-Allam, Sharhu Umdatu’l Ahkam, Subul As-Salam and Al-Bayquniyyah in addition to Alfiyyatu Ibn Malik on Arabic and Kitab At-Tawhid on Tawhid. There he studied under scholars like the Pakistani muhaddith Abdulwakil Al-Hashimi. Subsequently  he graduated from the University of Umm al-Qura in the field of Islamic Jurisprudence. Afterwards he travelled to Mauritania, where he stayed for a short time, studying ander Sheikh Muhammad Ad-Dedew, Sh. Muhammad As-Shinqiti and Sh ِِAl-Addous. Back in Arabia, he studied at the hands of Sh. Abdulaziz At-Tarifi, Sh. Abdulkarim Al-Khudayi and Sh. Ibn Jibrin in addition to Sh. Abdulaziz Ar-Raji