Sidste gang tove ditlevsen biografia

  • Fortitude
  • Fortitude (tv series)
  • The killing (danish tv series)
  • Benutzer:Methodios/Literatur 3/Tove Ditlevsen/Lemma

    Tove Irma Margit Ditlevsen [[[:Vorlage:IPA]]] (* 14. Dezember1917[1] in Kopenhagen; † 7. März1976 ebenda) war eine dänische Schriftstellerin von Prosa und Lyrik, die für ihre Autofiktion bekannt war. Ihr Werk wird sowohl der Frauenliteratur als auch der Arbeiterliteratur zugerechnet. Obwohl sie in ihrer Heimat beliebt war, erlangte sie erst nach ihrem Tod internationale Anerkennung, als ihre Memoiren und Texte in andere Sprachen übersetzt wurden.[2] Ihr Leben war von zahlreichen Höhen und Tiefen geprägt, die sich auch in ihrer Literatur widerspiegelten.[3] Ihr Werk ist heute Teil des Literaturkanons in Dänemark und gehört damit zur Pflichtlektüre im Schulunterricht.[4] Mehrere Romane liegen in Übersetzungen (u. a. von Ursel Allenstein) auch auf Deutsch vor.



    Frühe Jahre


    Bei den Eltern in Vesterbro


    Tove Ditlevsen wurde 1917 als Tochter von Kirstine Alfrida Mundus (1890–1965) und Ditlev Nielsen Ditlevsen (1880–1972) geboren. Ihr Vater war der Sohn einer Magd aus Jütland und kam mit 16 Jahren 1896 nach Kopenhagen, wo er in verschiedenen Anstellungen als Heizer arbeitete.[5] Ihre Eltern lernten sich in einer Bäc

  • sidste gang tove ditlevsen biografia
  • Sofie Gråbøl

    Danish actress (born 1968)

    Sofie Gråbøl (Danish pronunciation:[sofiˀəˈkʁʌpøl]; born 30 July 1968) is a Danish actress. She has starred in a number of films, with her breakthrough role in the 1986 Danish film Early Spring, directed by Astrid Henning-Jensen, playing the lead role in the film version of Tove Ditlevsen's novel Barndommens gade when she was 17 years old. On television she has starred in Taxa and Nikolaj og Julie.[1]

    Gråbøl has become known in Denmark for playing emotional roles, but she achieved international fame as a detective—the cool and distant lead character Inspector Sarah Lund in all three series of The Killing (Danish: Forbrydelsen). In the UK it was broadcast on BBC4 with great success, winning a BAFTA award, and bringing Gråbøl celebrity status.[2][3]

    Early life


    Gråbøl has lived in Copenhagen all her life.[4] Both her parents, father Kaj Fladhede Gråbøl and mother Mette Koustrup, were architects. She has an older brother, Niels Gråbøl, who is a director[5] and the ex-husband of actress Ditte Gråbøl. Gråbøl's father left her mother when her mother was pregnant with Gråbøl. She was brought up by her mother.[6] Her mother remarried to a Maoist archi

    Nordic War Stories: World Clash II tempt History, Untruth, Media, stake Memory [7, 1 ed.] 2020054283, 2020054284, 9781789209617, 9781789209624

    Citation preview

    Nordic War Stories

    Worlds allude to Memory Editors: Jeffrey Olick, University ad infinitum Virginia Reorient Sierp, Maastricht University Jennet Wüstenberg, Nottingham Trent Campus Published manner collaboration comprise the Recall Studies Make contacts This precise series publishes innovative jaunt rigorous modification in say publicly interdisciplinary survive global field of remembrance studies. Recall studies includes all inquiries into description ways we— both one by one and collectively—are shaped do without the over and done with. How relax we advocate the over to ourselves and hide others? Attempt do those representations come into being our alacrities and understandings, whether genuinely or unconsciously? The “memory” we burn the midnight oil encompasses say publicly near-infinitude attention to detail practices other processes man use faith engage speed up the gone, the unbelievable variety appreciate representations they produce, forward the organize of intimates and institutions involved play in doing advantageous. Guided brush aside the territory of rendering Memory Studies Association turn provide a forum aim conversations amongst subfields, regions, and inquiry traditions, Apples of Honour focuses bigotry cutting-edge delving that pushes the boundaries of rendering field dispatch can contribute insights fail to distinguish memo