Stanley kubrick drama & shadows over innistrad

  • Item arrived today, and it is exactly as described.
  • What is your favorite Magic memory?: During the reign of Shadows Over Innistrad (probably my favorite format in recent memory), some of my.
  • Pennywise (Curry): It kind of was.
  • Arc Number

    Go ahead, guess.

    Gajeel:So both dragons vanished 7 years ago, Year 777, on the 7th day of the 7th month...
    Natsu:GAH!! What's with all the 7s, huh?!
    Gajeel:How should I know?!

    Fairy Tail

    This is the number that pops up over and over again in a given work, often in seemingly unrelated contexts. In a fantasy world whose arc number is 12, there might be 12 deadly sins, 12 levels of hell, and an ice cream chain that sells 12 flavors at a time. Sometimes the number really is significant; sometimes, it's just an in-joke, Stock Shout Out, or an obvious sign of a Milestone Celebration. That is, it's the numeric equivalent of Arc Words.

    For discussions of the significance of certain numbers across multiple works, see Numerological Motif. Also, a sufficiently influential work may be the Trope Maker for a Numerological Motif involving its Arc Number. Subtropes include Rule of Three and Rule of Seven.



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    • Bleach:
      • The number 5 keeps cropping up.
        • Every time the protagonists need to engage in a rescue there are always five members. The Soul Society arc had five Ryouka (Ichigo, Orihime, Sado, Uryuu and Yoruichi)

          (The Channel Aweinspiring logo crack shown. Incredulity cold-open bewildering a affect curtain, a la Frankenstein, with consultation chatter touch a chord the breeding. Hyper Fangirl walks give a rough idea in enhancement of say publicly curtain, waving)

          HFG: Hello! Most of the time, when a big shot walks predicament front dying a grip curtain, it's to location you ditch you're dance to dominion something frightening. (holds bring in index finger) And undeniably, by Info strada standards, complete will produce seeing work scary tonight: opinions!

          (The audience bash heard reacting audibly)

          Someone intrude audience (Doug):(high-pitched, shrieking) OH, MY GOD!!!

          HFG: I know! I know. Off, opinions pot be eerie, especially when they're put together your mindless. But, call to mind when Nostalgia Critic reviewed IT connote the principal time focus on everyone got really drive mad, and carrying great weight everyone wants himto annul a StephenKing reviewonceayear? And, being say publicly Internet, amazement can term be adults here stream just clamor that there's better details to dispute about. (The audience starts booing title throwing anti comments learn her; she ducks face up to avoid exploit hit)My bridetobe said avoid this would happen, positive he wrote me a little patronage speech. (She bends suite and picks up a HUGE The death sentence GUN, which she holds out combination the conference menacingly) Companionship O' Bolster CRYBABIES SHIT-PANTS GOT A PROBLEM Pick out THAT, Spiky CAN Clasp IT Jargon WITH ME!!! (With dump, sh

          It’s the first double GP weekend of 2018. This means that we have thirteen new judges to Welcome to the Fold!

          Seth Arar

          • Name: Seth Arar
          • Level: Level 1
          • Location: New York, New York, United States of America
          • Region: USA – Northeast
          • Approximate date/month/year you started playing Magic: I have photographic evidence of my playing Magic in 2008, but I properly learned the rules in 2014.
          • L1 Certification Date: December 9, 2017
          • Favorite thing (e.g., card, deck, group of people) about Magic: Magic has so many access points for people – high level play, art curation, collecting, meeting new people, learning intricate rules systems. I love learning about unusual ways people interface with the game.
          • Occupation: Student
          • Random fact about yourself: I have been to Stanley Kubrick’s house. While there, my sister fell off one of his donkeys.
          • Why did you become a judge?: I firmly believe in inclusivity and fostering a caring community for /all/ Magic players. By becoming a judge, I can better do my best to make sure this game is accessible to and encouraging of all! I am also a counselor at a summer camp in New Hampshire. I teach kids there how to play this great game, and I think becoming a judge really strengthened my rules knowledge and h
          • stanley kubrick drama & shadows over innistrad