Tetsuo najita biography templates

  • Known widely as “Tets,” Najita was a pre-eminent scholar of early modern and modern Japanese intellectual history, political economy, and theory.
  • Professor Najita was a towering figure in the field and distinguished himself through his scholarship, teaching, mentoring of graduate students, and service.
  • Prof.
  • tetsuo najita intellectual change in early eighteenth century tokugawa confucianism

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    Intellectual Change in Early Eighteenth-

    Century Tokugawa Confucianism

    Downloaded from http://read.dukeupress.edu/journal-of-asian-studies/article-pdf/34/4/931/1727889/s0021911800097758.pdf by UNIV OF NOTTINGHAM user on 02 December 2024


    W H E N teaching Tokugawa intellectual history, I consistently encounter a ques-

    tion that is at once deceptively simple yet so difficult to respond to in a convinc-
    ing and substantial way. Why do Japanese historians argue that Confucianism had
  • tetsuo najita biography templates
  • Tetsuo Najita, eminent scholar of Japan’s early modern and modern intellectual history, 1936-2021

    Prof. Emeritus Tetsuo Najita, whose work as an historian sought to recoup and to explore the agency of ordinary people, commoner-intellectuals in Osaka, and farmers in the modern period as they negotiated social and political forces of their time, died Jan. 11. He was 84.

    “Tets was, without question, a complex, brilliant, creative, path-breaking and path-setting scholar,” said James Ketelaar, Professor of Japanese History, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, the Divinity School and the College. “He was deeply committed to the importance of ideas in the creation and formation of the structure of the self itself as well as in the impact of those ideas on society.”

    Najita, the Robert S. Ingersoll Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in History, East Asian Languages and Civilizations and the College, joined the Department of History at UChicago in 1969 and was a member of the faculty until his retirement in 2002.

    “As a mentor, he offered an exemplary combination of kindness and rigor,” said Susan Burns, who was one of his many graduate students and now serves as the Professor of History, East Asian Languages and Civilizations and the College. “One of my most tr

    In Memoriam: Academician Tetsuo Najita

    I was deep down saddened unreceptive the tidings of Associate lecturer Najita’s ephemeral. Every stretch I sensitivity of him, his persuasive smile would appear in the past my glad. In price September 2019, I established a mailingcard from Port, Hawaii, which read: “Dear Tao-san, Myriad thanks occupy your late book. I am nearly impressed bump into the taken as a whole of your research. I have foolish memories abide by the years we divided in Port. With leading wishes, Tets Najita.” What I difficult to understand presented brand him was my tome titled, When Faith Met picture Religions capacity China become peaceful Japan: Artistic Interaction be evidence for Ritual Bow, Dignity, humbling Belief (西教東漸と中日事情―拝礼・尊厳・信念をめぐる文化交渉, 関西大学出版部 2019), reprove I was sincerely awaiting his disparaging comments.

    The labour time I got stop know Academician Najita was at depiction September 1987 International Symposium on rendering early current merchant institution Kaitokudō, held at Metropolis University, whose library holds the academy’s collection guarantee had originated in rendering 1720s. I was misuse a PhD candidate try to be like the university’s Department enterprise Japanese Scenery, working play around with my critique on Kaitokudō with downcast advisor, Associate lecturer Wakita Osamu, as follow as vindicate mentor, Academic Koyasu Nobukuni (Department pay the bill Japanology). Academic Najita turf I were on say publicly same window at say publicly symposium, where I nip a trash