Volcker halbauer biography

  • Commander 1 (GE/NL) Corps, Lieutenant General Volker Halbauer, awarded 6 soldiers the Commander's Coin for their excellent work.
  • Gen.
  • Media in category "Volker Halbauer".
  • Volker Halbauer Age, Birthday, Zodiac Sign and Birth Chart

    Volker Halbauer is a retired Lieutenant General of the Bundeswehr. He was born on December 17, 1955, in Kürnbach, Germany. Halbauer served as the Commanding General of the 1st German-Dutch Corps in Münster until April 7, 2016. His career in the army reflects a significant commitment to military service, especially representing the joint forces of Germany and the Netherlands.

    Zodiac Sign (Western)


    Sunsign, Tropical Zodiac

    Zodiac Sign (Vedic)


    Moonsign, Sidereal Zodiac

    Place of Birth


    Time Zone -

    Chinese Zodiac Sign

    Goat (羊)

    Name Number (Chaldean)

    50 => 5

    Name Number (Pythagorean)


    Meaning of the name - Volker

    people, folk

    Read Full Volker Name Analysis

    December 17, 1955 Facts

    Generation Group

    Volker Halbauer belongs to the Baby Boomers group.

    Place of Birth: Kürnbach

    Educated At: Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr

    Occupation: career soldier | military officer

    Astrology Analysis

    Ephemeris for December 17, 1955

    Note: Moon position is location and time sensitive.
  • volcker halbauer biography
  • The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local Government Administration, Mr. Slobodan Petrović has met today  with the General Major, Volker Halbauer, a new Commander of the NATO peacekeeping mission in Kosovo / KFOR.

    05 October 2012, Prishtina

    The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Local Government Administration, Mr. Slobodan Petrović has met today  with the General Major, Volker Halbauer, a new Commander of the NATO peacekeeping mission in Kosovo / KFOR.

    In this introductory meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister Petrovic has informed KFOR Commander, Mr. Voolker Halbauer about the hitherto progress in the decentralization process as well operation of the office in North Mitrovica.

    Minister Petrovic has said that the cooperation between the Ministry of Local Government Administration and KFOR will continue in the future for a more secure and stable life of citizens.

    KFOR Commander, Mr. Volker Halbauer has promised that KFOR will be in full readiness for cooperation, as a third key factor after the Kosovo Police and EULEX mission.

    PlanetPosition (Tropical, Western)Transits on December 17, 2024Secondary Progressions for December 17, 2024
    Sun24 Sagittarius 5926 Sagittariu

    Category:Volker Halbauer

    German career combatant and officer
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    Date of birth17 December 1955
    Country of citizenship
    Educated at
    Position held
    • military chief observe staff (2010–2012)
    • Commander (2013 – unknown value)