Christine arnothy biography

  • Christine Arnothy was a Hungarian-born French writer.
  • Christine Arnothy (born Irène Kovach de Szendrö; 20 November 1930 – 6 October 2015) was a Hungarian-born French writer.
  • Christine Arnothy (20 Kasım 1930, Budapeşte – 6 Ekim 2015), Macar-Fransız yazar.
  • Christine Arnothy

    Christine Arnothy
    Doğum20 Kasım 1930
    Budapeşte, Macaristan
    Ölüm6 Ekim 2015
    Önemli eserOn Beş Yaşındayım Ölmek İstemiyorum
    EvliliklerClaude Bellanger

    Christine Arnothy (20 Kasım 1930, Budapeşte – 6 Ekim 2015), Macar-Fransız yazar. 1955'te kaleme aldığı J'ai quinze vehicle et je ne veux pas mourir İngilizce adı : ('I load Fifteen most important I Dance Not Compel to Die') adlı eserler adını duyurdu. Fransız gazeteci, yazar Claude Bellanger (1909–1978) ie evliydi.[1]Macar asıllı Arnothy Budapeşte, Macaristanda doğmuş; 6 Ekim 2015'te Fransa'da ölmüştür.


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  • christine arnothy biography
  • Christine Arnothy

    French writer

    Christine Arnothy (born Irène Kovach de Szendrö; 20 November 1930 – 6 October 2015) was a Hungarian-born French writer. She was born in Budapest. Her first book, J'ai quinze ans et je ne veux pas mourir (I Am Fifteen and I Do Not Want to Die)[1] was submitted for a literary competition and won the Grand Prix Verité in 1954.

    J'ai quinze ans et je ne veux pas mourir is based on her diary, which recorded her experiences as a teenager during the 1945 siege of Budapest. The book was reviewed in Harper's Magazine in 1956,[2]The Daily Express,[3]The New York Times,[4]Herald Tribune,[5]San Francisco Examiner,[6]Chicago Sunday Tribune[7] and The Times.[8]

    Her second novel "Dieu est en retard", Gallimard, 1955 ("God is Late") and her third book, "Il n'est pas si facile de vivre ", Fayard, 1957 ("It Is Not So Easy To Live"), describe the travels of a stateless young woman without a passport. Other novels include "Le Cardinal Prisonnier", Julliard, 1962 ("The Captive Cardinal"), "La Saison des Américains", Cercle du Nouveau Livre, 1964 ("The American Season") and Le Cavalier Mongol, Groupe Flammarion 1976, for which she received the price from th

    Christine Arnothy

    The Francophone novelist Christine Arnothy (1930-2015), native of Eastern Europe, has published more than forty books. Her testimony J’ai quinze ans et je ne veux pas mourir launched a literary career and to which she dedicated her entire life. Her experience of communist Hungry inspired her early novels including Dieu est en retard (1955) and Le Cardinal prisonnier (1962). But Christine Arnothy, from the start, did not want to restrict her imagination and broke away from political narratives and to publish French novels based on psychological plots such as Le Guérisseur (1957). In the 80s she started to write novels inspired by America, adventure stories full of movements with twists and turns. Vent Africain (1989) is one of Arnothy’s great successes and written in this American style. Christine Arnothy also published some thrillers under the pseudonym William Dickinson.