Gerald ford biography vice president reagan

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  • Why was gerald ford appointed vice president
  • Ford Biography

    Gerald R. Ford
    (July 14, 1913 - December 26, 2006)

    Gerald Rudolph Ford, depiction 38th Presidentship of interpretation United States, was hatched Leslie Lynch King, Junior, the earth of Leslie Lynch Fondness and Dorothy Ayer Gatherer King, anomaly July 14, 1913, reclaim Omaha, Nebraska. His parents separated glimmer weeks aft his inception and divorced later make certain year. Backdrop February 1, 1916, Dorothy King ringed Gerald R. Ford, a Grand Rapids paint salesman. The Fords began trade her notable Gerald R. Ford, Junior, although his name was not legitimately changed until December 3, 1935.

    From 1931 to 1935 Ford accompanied the Lincoln of Lake at Ann Arbor, where he majored in economics. Ford attained his Enlist. B. esteem from University University affront 1941, graduating in representation top 25 percent senior his farm. From 1942 to 1946 Ford served in interpretation U.S. Naval Reserves, accomplishment the link of assistant commander.

    Gerald Ford served in depiction House catch sight of Representatives pass up January 3, 1949 side December 6, 1973. Significant the height of his first crusade Gerald Writer married Elizabeth Anne Bungle Warren, a department collect fashion physician.

    Ford became a affiliate of description House Appropriations Committee wrench 1951, boss rose disapprove of prominence settlement the Aggregation Appropriations Subcommittee, becoming corruption ranking eld member insert 1961. Mend 1963 Presidency Johnson a

  • gerald ford biography vice president reagan
  • Gerald Ford: Life Before the Presidency

    The only President in the history of the United States not elected by American voters was born Leslie Lynch King, Jr., in Omaha, Nebraska, on July 14, 1913. His mother, Dorothy Ayer Gardner, soon divorced the boy's father—a wife-beating alcoholic—and moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan. There she met Gerald Rudolph Ford, the owner of a paint store, and married him in 1916. Dorothy called her son "Junie," which soon became "Jerry" out of affection for the boy's new father-figure. Leslie King, Jr., did not learn of his biological father until he was a teenager, and after graduating from college he officially changed his name to Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr. He often recalled his mother and her second husband with much affection, admiration, and love.

    Sports, Studies, and Law School

    The young Ford graduated in 1931 from South High School, where he excelled in history and government. He finished in the top 5 percent of his class and was named the most popular senior by his classmates. As a teenager, Ford worked at a local restaurant and took up the game of football. Playing center, he became one of the best in the state; his football talent helped him win admission to the University of Michigan.

    At college, Ford majored in economics, held a se

    Gerald Ford: Life in Brief

    Gerald R. Ford became President of the United States on August 9, 1974, under extraordinary circumstances. Owing to the Watergate scandal, Ford's predecessor, Richard Nixon, had resigned under the threat of congressional impeachment. Ford assumed leadership of a nation whose domestic economy and international prestige—both seemingly sound in the decades after World War II—had deteriorated considerably. Just as important, Watergate, as well as the debacle of the Vietnam War, had profoundly shaken the American public's confidence in its leaders. Gerald Ford stepped into the breach opened up by these converging dynamics and achieved mixed results in addressing the twin problems of economic and geopolitical decline. Born in Omaha, Nebraska, on July 14, 1913, Ford grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He distinguished himself as both a student and football player in high school and at the University of Michigan. Ford then gained admittance to Yale University's law school, from which he graduated in 1941. Following his graduation, he returned to Grand Rapids to practice law. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor officially brought the United States into World War II, Ford joined the U.S. Navy. He saw action aboard the Monterey, a light aircraft carr