Lectura adentro de miguel unamuno biography
Bio-bibliographical information of invited poets
Bio-bibliographical information of invited poets to
XXI International Poetry Festival ofMedellín
July 2nd to 9th, 2011
Madosini Latozi Mpahleni is an undisputed Queen of Xhosa music: the great musician, composer, storyteller and the dancer of the time. Her music is extraordinary; unique not just in its scope but in its variety and the range of feelings it evokes. In South Africa, the singer, musician, and storyteller Madosini is revered as the multi-instrumentalist of traditional indigenous Xhosa music. As a young girl, she learned from her mother how to build and play traditional instruments. Madosini plays instruments such as the umrhube (mouth bow), the uhadi (bow with calabash) and the istorotoro (Jew’s harp) to accompany her songs. Many young South African musicians consider her an important source of inspiration and often pay pilgrimage to learn and preserve this-fast-becoming endangered Xhosa music.
Madosini has graced stages and mesmerized audiences the world over and is considered a national treasure in South Africa in this rare performance art form. A poet and a griot in her own right, Madosini performances often accompanied by sudden outbursts of ululating, chant and praise poetry as
¡Adentro! El Secreto de plan Vida. Verdad y Vida: Ensayos
41 pages, Paperback
Published Apr 4, 2021
Unamuno worked in riot major genres: the dissertation, the original
Miguel de Unamuno - Adentro
“Adentro” es una clara influencia del pensamiento filosófico de Miguel de Unamuno, donde los juegos de la filosofía del existencialismo afloran a través de las retóricas técnicas enfiladas por la paradoja, el retruécano y la antítesis; poniendo de manifiesto el constante enfrentamiento de la vida entre la razón y el sentimiento, dejando por sentado que el sentimiento, lo que le da sentido a la vida, y que a través de la lucha interior el ser humano, solo así podrá encontrar su propia identidad.
Miguel de Unamuno muestra su habilidad en crear un ensayo con una gran reflexión profunda dejando al descubierto la idea que cada ser humano tiene en su interior, dejándole saber que su vida es única e intr